1)Have a blog theme- your blog is a great place to market your product. Create visually appealing designs, that emphasize the nature of your business. If you sell garden supplies and services, your blog design should have beautiful pictures of perfect manicured gardens. Let your reader be drawn in to what you can do for them.
2) Know your competition. Understand your competition and learn from them. Use this tool called Spyfu and enter a competitors name. You will be amazed how much you will find out. You will learn of your competitors advertising budget, keyword bid amounts and of other sites that are competitive with theirs.
3) You must submit submit your blog URL to blog directories. Let the search engine directories know that you and your blog exists. Submit to Google, Yahoo Open Directory Project (also known as Dmoz). These directories provides a credible link to your site. This will facilitate customers to find you faster.
4) Be different and create waves. Whatever you are selling, people will always put in their two sense about the product. Create dialogue by stirring the pot , so to speak. If more people participate in the dialogue, the likelihood of search engines picking it up increases. If people value your opinion then you will come across as an authority. Try this...it works.
5) Provide up to date information - make sure you update your blog as often as you can. Providing statistics, new techniques or any new information that you believe that your reader should know must be backed up. False or unsure information is an easy way top lose your audience.
6) Broadcast your updates. Use tools like Twitter, Aweber, Ping.fm and countless others to let the world know that you have something new to say and offer. Your loyal followers want to know.
Good luck