That was the easy part, now comes the grunt work which is to get traffic and to convert readers to click on the ads to earn money. Most Bloggers quit at this point due to the time spent and the little amount of traffic they get in the beginning.
There many methods to get traffic some include article marketing with a link back to your site on the resource box just what I am doing now. There is also Forum posting, you have to join forums that related to your site and begin posting with a signature link back to your post. Answer question and depending how useful it is you will start getting viewers going to your site. Don't ever self advertise in these forums or you will be banned. Submit your blog to major search engine directories to get listed; it may take a while though, join Hubpages, Squidoo lenses and write about your site. Submit articles to social bookmarkings such as Digg, Reddit and many others on the web.
Starting your blog and adding AdSense to it is very easy but the hard comes next when it is time to get traffic. Stick to your goal and you will accomplish it, or you may follow step by step guides on how to complete this process from beginning to end, there are many resources on the web that are very helpful on this subject.